%0 Journal Article %T THE PROBLEM OF PARENTS AND CHILDREN IN MODERN RUSSIA %A Blokh Mark Yakovlevich %J Magister Dixit %D 2012 %I Irkutsk State Linguistic University %X Considered in the paper is the administrative introduction of age qualification (in terms of the number of years alone, irrespective of professional competence) for persons promoted to leading positions in the organization of scientific research and education. This practice is demonstrated as contradicting both constitutional legislation and the tendency to considerable prolongation of the average stretch of time predestined to mental activity of modern human beings existing in conditions of technological and informative revolution. %K parents and children %K age limit %K creative and organizational activity %K interrelation between generations %K technological and informational revolution %K age discrimination %K antigerontism. %U http://md.islu.ru/sites/md.islu.ru/files/rar/statya_bloh.pdf