%0 Journal Article %T El Ensayo Pol¨¬tico de Humboldt sobre Cuba: presencia y ausencia de pensamientos habaneros sobre esclavitud y ciencia (1801-1826) %A Rolando E. Misas Jim¨¨nez %J HiN. Alexander von Humboldt im Netz %D 2009 %I Universit?t Potsdam %X Article in Spanish, Abstracts in English and Spanish.The Political Essay on the island of Cuba by Humboldt is an important study on the thought of the landholders and colonial functionaries from Havana, who were his principal collaborators during the period 1801-1826.According to his ideas of human progress, Humboldt criticized the influence of the thought, based on the exploitation of slave labour, in the scientific, social and economical problems of the island. Therefore, Humboldt was worried about the political aspirations of the landholders. However, he almost didn't address the reformist program carried out by Intendant Alejandro Ram¨¬rez. On the other hand, Humboldt ignored the progress thought of a group of professors and students from San Carlos's College Seminary in Havana. His first contacts with this thought happened in Europe after his Essay having been published in 1826. %K Alexander von Humboldt %K Rolando E. Misas Jim¨¨nez %K 1801-1826 %K Essai politique %K Slavery %K Cuba %U http://www.uni-potsdam.de/u/romanistik/humboldt/hin/hin18/misas.htm