%0 Journal Article %T Las tensiones pol¨ªtico-eclesi¨¢sticas en torno a Ferm¨ªn Yzurdiaga, 1936-1939 %A Mart¨ªnez S¨¢nchez %A Santiago %J Hispania Sacra : Revista de Historia Eclesi¨¢stica %D 2012 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X Ferm¨ªn Yzurdiaga was a priest from Navarra who carried out an extremely visible political and propaganda activity for Falange, during the Spanish Civil War. Having been born in Pamplona, he carried out some pioneering cultural projects in Franco's Spain: the Arriba Espa a newspaper and a magazine called Jerarqu¨ªa. Besides, in May 1937, Franco appointed him as Falange¡¯s Press and Propaganda chief. As a clergyman, Yzurdiaga aspired to reconcile Catholicism and Falange. However, due to his constant political visibility, his speeches and sermons, his frequent controversies with many catholics, and the uncertainty about the increasingly totalitarian character of the State that Yzurdiaba was working for, he was seen by his Church superiors with increasing suspicion. The Bishop of Pamplona, Marcelino Olaechea, required him to resign both from his political activity at the end of 1937, and from his journalistic role in late 1938. Our goal is to analyze the early clashes between civil and religious authorities to control the direction of the priest¡¯s initiatives. El sacerdote navarro Ferm¨ªn Yzurdiaga desarroll¨® una notable actividad pol¨ªtica y period¨ªstica al servicio de la Falange durante la guerra civil espa ola. Impuls¨® desde Pamplona algunos proyectos culturales pioneros en la Espa a franquista: el diario Arriba Espa a y la revista Jerarqu¨ªa. Franco le encumbr¨® a la jefatura de prensa y propaganda de la Falange unificada, en mayo de 1937. Como cl¨¦rigo, Yzurdiaga aspir¨® a conciliar catolicismo y falangismo. Pero sus superiores eclesi¨¢sticos le vieron con creciente recelo, por su incesante visibilidad pol¨ªtica, por sus arengas y sermones, por sus habituales pol¨¦micas con cat¨®licos y por la incertidumbre sobre el rumbo totalitario del Estado al que Yzurdiaba serv¨ªa. Su obispo Marcelino Olaechea exigi¨® que renunciase a su protagonismo p¨²blico: a la actividad pol¨ªtica, a finales de 1937; y a la period¨ªstica, a fines de 1938. Este trabajo pretende dibujar aquel temprano choque de intereses entre los poderes civil y religioso por orientar la identidad de las iniciativas del cura azul. %K Ferm¨ªn Yzurdiaga %K Marcelino Olaechea %K Arriba Espa a %K Francisco Franco %K Isidro Gom¨¢ %K National Delegation of Press and Propaganda of Falange Espa ola y de las Jons %K Spanish Civil War %K Ferm¨ªn Yzurdiaga %K Marcelino Olaechea Arriba Espa a %K Francisco Franco %K Isidro Gom¨¢ %K Delegaci¨®n Nacional de Prensa y Propaganda de Falange Espa ola Tradicionalista y de las Jons %K Guerra Civil Espa ola %U http://hispaniasacra.revistas.csic.es/index.php/hispaniasacra/article/view/312/312