%0 Journal Article %T Comportamento Estrat¨¦gico Segundo a Teoria de Miles e Snow: um Estudo de Caso em um Provedor de Internet do Norte do Rio Grande do Su %A Somavilla %A Sandra Mara Puhl %A Machado %A Nelson Santos %A Sehnem %A Simone %J Teoria e Pr¨¢tica em Administra£¿£¿o (TPA) %D 2013 %I Teoria e Pr¨¢tica em Administra??o (TPA) %X This article aims to analyze the strategic behavior of the company named Tecnoway, taking as basis the theory of Miles and Snow. We performed a qualitative approach study of descriptive nature. Data were collected through semi-structured interview with the founder and owner of the company and the data categorization method was used. The prospector typology was predominant, and, in recent years, has prevailed the analyst perspective. The founder and owner of the company have been careful about investments, giving emphasis on management professionalization. We concluded that the strategic behavior was adopted mainly from the feeling of the entrepreneur and that every difficulty was seen as a battle to be won on behalf of all supporting stakeholders of the searched company. %K Strategic Behavior %K Miles and Snow Typology %K Strategic Adaptation %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/tpa/article/view/13468/9513