%0 Journal Article %T Metarrelatos, espejos y mundos posibles en Tl n, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius de Borges Metanarratives, mirrors and possible worlds in Tl n, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius by Borges %A Malva Marina V芍squez %J Acta Literaria %D 2011 %I %X En Tl n, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius1 a trav谷s de la articulaci車n en el devenir narrativo de la carga sem芍ntica de dos citas de la cultura letrada, se despliega tanto una potente deconstrucci車n de los metarrelatos de la metaf赤sica moderna como una visionaria po谷tica de la ficci車n fant芍stica. Se intenta demostrar el atentado terrorista de la audaz tesis epistemol車gica contenida en la cita: "la metaf赤sica es una rama de la literatura fant芍stica", la que equivale al levantamiento de la cortina de hierro ontol車gica por su inversi車n de la jerarqu赤a de los discursos del saber moderno. Se analiza el motivo del espejo y el de la enciclopedia, entendidos como dispositivos semi車ticos de representaci車n especular y escritural del mundo, respectivamente, y como iron赤a tanto al proyecto enciclop谷dico de la 谷poca moderna como a la Argentina de la Organizaci車n Nacional. Todo lo cual permite sugerir el giro epistemol車gico hacia un paradigma est谷tico-narrativo en la po谷tica postmoderna de lo fant芍stico de Borges. In the narrative of Tl n, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius through the articulation of the semantic import of two quotes of the literate culture, it is unfolded a potent deconstruction of the meta-narratives of modern metaphysics as a visionary aesthetic of the fantastic fiction. This paper will try to reveal as a terrorist attack the audacious epistemological thesis contained in the statement: "the metaphysics is a branch of the fantastic literature", which amounts to the lifting an ontological iron curtain due for its inversion of the hierarchy of the speeches within modern knowledge. The themes of the mirror and of the encyclopedia will be analyzed, understanding both as semiotic devices of mirror-like representation and writhing of the world, respectively, and as an irony towards the encyclopedic project of the modern age and also towards the Argentine of the National Organization. All of these allow us to suggest an epistemologic turn toward an aesthetic-narrative paradigm in Borges' post-modern view about the fantastic. %K Metaf赤sica %K deconstrucci車n %K literatura fant芍stica %K saber moderno %K Metaphysics %K deconstruction %K fantastic literature %K modern knowledge %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-68482011000100002