%0 Journal Article %T Crimes Ambientais Decorrentes da Atividade de Suinocultura como Indicador de Comportamento dos Produtores e de Gest o Ambiental %A Zeni %A Wilmar Francisco %A Sehnem %A Simone %A Campos %A Lucila Maria de Souza %J Teoria e Pr¨¢tica em Administra£¿£¿o (TPA) %D 2012 %I Teoria e Pr¨¢tica em Administra??o (TPA) %X This article seeks to analyze if the activity of swine presented a decrease in the negative impacts on the environment. In addition, it presents the swine production record in the studied region, listing the main pollutants resulting from the activity and its consequences on the environment and the main laws and regulations governing the activity. To evaluate the performance in the environmental management of swine production, were raised the total number of assessments conducted by EPA during the period studied, using as an indicator the number of annual fines from 1999 to 2010. It starts from the assumption that the increase or the reduction of fines reflect the behavior of producers regarding compliance with laws and regulations related to the activity and the level of commitment in the relationship with the environment. This study consists in one descriptive approach and quantitative focus research. It can be identified as a documentary research, and data were extracted from the files of the environmental agency. Therefore, we conclude that the pollution problem caused by the lack of efficient management of the activity has a large influence on the environment and that the situation presented only can be reversed when the various sectors involved start to draw common goals and objectives up that can alleviate existing problems, achieving the economic objectives in a sustainable way according to the environmental point of view. %K Sustainability %K Environment %K Environmental crimes %K Hogs. %U http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/tpa/article/view/13482/9022