%0 Journal Article %T Gingival Condition in Children Aged From 6 to 12 Years Old: Clinical and Microbiological Aspects %A Ane Stella Salgado XAVIER %A Maristela Hon¨®rio CAYETANO %A Elerson Gaetti JARDIM JR %A Sos¨ªgenes Victor BENFATTI %J Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Cl¨ªnica Integrada %D 2007 %I Associa??o de Apoio ¨¤ Pesquisa em Sa¨²de Bucal (APESB) %X Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the gingival condition and the occurrence of periodontopathogens in 93 children aged from 6 to 12 years old in Ara atuba, Brazil. Method: Clinical examination was performed in accordance to Schour and Massler (1947) while the subgingival plaque samples were obtained though sterilized paper point that were placed into health and inflamed gingival crevice of tooth 54 or 14, 61 or 11, 26, 75 or 35, 82 or 42 and 46, where they were kept for 60 seconds and tranferred to tubes containing 5 ml of thioglicolate broth. Microorganisms were isolated on blood agar and CVE an agar after incubation under anaerobiosis, at 37oC, for 10 days. The identification of the isolates was based on their morphological, cellular and biochemical features. Results: 91.40% shows gingivitis while 70.97% presented mild gingivitis. Only 8.6% didn¡¯t presented gingivitis. It was verified that the most of children presented mild gengivitis and was had some periodontopathogens. Conclusion: The gingivitis deteriored with age and only F. nucleatum was related with the deterioration of gengival status. %K Gingivitis %K Bacteria %K Dental care for children %U http://www.uepb.edu.br/eduep/pboci/pdf/Artigo4v71.pdf