%0 Journal Article %T La Instituci車n Teresiana durante la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Una aproximaci車n a su proyecci車n educativa, social y p迆blica %A Rosique Navarro %A Francisca %A Peralta Ortiz %A Mar赤a Dolores %J Hispania Sacra : Revista de Historia Eclesi芍stica %D 2012 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %X Despite its influence the Teresian Institute, founded by the priest Pedro Poveda in 1911, was little studied during the 1920s, not only educationally but also within its cultural and public scope. This group of catholic women 每highlighting Mar赤a de Echarri, Carmen Cuesta and Josefa Segovia每 stand out by constituting a nucleus of women who were prepared and committed to re-Christian Spanish society at the time in the midst of a strong catholic-secular confrontation. A large number of them had obtained their degrees in the official Teachers* Training College and carried out their professions as teachers in ordinary schools and as inspectors. Their collaboration with the rising Catholic Action for Women, their participation in the first National Congress of Catholic Education together with their own activities, show the significance of these catholic women in the social and political life but especially within the educational field in Spain during those years. Un grupo poco estudiado en los a os 20 del pasado siglo a pesar de su influencia no solo en el 芍mbito educativo sino tambi谷n en el cultural y p迆blico, es la Instituci車n Teresiana, fundada por el sacerdote Pedro Poveda en 1911. Este grupo de mujeres cat車licas 每entre las que destacan Mar赤a de Echarri, Carmen Cuesta y Josefa Segovia每, destacan por constituir un n迆cleo de mujeres preparadas y empe adas en recristianizar la sociedad espa ola de estos a os en medio de la dura confrontaci車n catolicismo-laicismo. Buena parte de ellas hab赤an obtenido sus t赤tulos en la Escuela Superior de Magisterio y ejerc赤an su profesi車n como profesoras de escuelas normales e inspectoras. La colaboraci車n con la naciente Acci車n Cat車lica de la Mujer, la participaci車n en el Primer Congreso Nacional de Educaci車n Cat車lica as赤 como sus propias actividades, dan cuenta de la significatividad de estas mujeres cat車licas en la vida social, pol赤tica y sobre todo educativa de la Espa a de esos a os. %K Spain %K Primo de Rivera %K women %K education %K Catholicism %K Teresian Institute %K Espa a %K Primo de Rivera %K mujeres %K educaci車n %K Catolicismo %K Instituci車n Teresiana %U http://hispaniasacra.revistas.csic.es/index.php/hispaniasacra/article/view/304/304