%0 Journal Article %T Examining the Effect of Company¡¯s Size and Resources on the Relationship between Stakeholders¡¯ Pressure and Environmental Strategies in the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry %A Mohd Rafi Yaacob %A Mohd Nor Hakimin Yusoff %J Terengganu International Management and Business Journal %D 2011 %I Universiti Teknologi MARA, Terengganu %X Palm oil is one of the most important commodity exports for Malaysia. This industry contributes billions of ringgit to the country. In terms on number of employment half a million people involved in the industry. Due to its contribution, oil palm is known as a golden crop of Malaysia. Over the last four decades more and more plantation areas have been developed in the country. But nevertheless, the disproportionate expansion of this monoculture crops contributes to environmental degradations in the country. The excessive usage of insecticides and pesticides, soil erosion, air and water pollution and depletion of flora and fauna are closely related with this industry. As a result, various stakeholders including department of environment, environmental non-governmental organizations, medias and the public have exerted influenced on the industry to be environmentally responsible. Coping with these pressures, players the industry could not help but be environmentally responsible in their activities. In other words environmental strategies of players in the industry are determined by magnitude of pressures from their stakeholders. While it is well established in the literature that the extent of pressure would determine a business environmental strategies, but not many researchers measure the impact of company size and resources on the relationship between these two variables. This study seeks to examine the effect of a company¡¯s size on the relationship between stakeholders¡¯ pressure and environmental strategy in the Malaysian Palm Oil industry. The results of the study clearly show a company¡¯s size and resources influence the relationship of stakeholders¡¯ pressure and environmental strategy. %K Company size and resources %K Stakeholders %K Environment %K Malaysian palm oil industry %U http://timbej.uitm.edu.my/images/stories/dr%20rafi_umk2.pdf