%0 Journal Article %T SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF A NATURAL GAS TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL DEHYDRATION PLANT IN PERSIAN GULF REGION %A Pezhman Kazemi %A Roya Hamidi %J Petroleum and Coal %D 2011 %I Slovnaft V?RUP %X Natural gas TEG-dehydration is the process of removing water from the gas stream to lower the dewpoint of natural gas. Water is the most common contaminant of hydrocarbons and can form hydrates,which may block valves and pipelines. Also water can make corrosion in present of acid compounds innatural gas. In this paper comprehensive study of software simulator and investigate the effectivenessparameters in a TEG-dehydration plant in Persian Gulf region. %K sensitivity analysis %K Triethylene glycol %K dehydration. %U http://www.vurup.sk/sites/vurup.sk/archivedsite/www.vurup.sk/pc/vol53_2011/issue1/pdf/pc_1_2011_kazemi_101.pdf