%0 Journal Article %T The first records of Aegopinella ressmanni (Westerlund, 1883) in the Czech Republic extends its distribution range northwards %A Michal Hors¨¢k %A Jan My£¿¨¢k %J Malacologica Bohemoslovaca %D 2008 %I %X A topsoil-dwelling Eastern Alpine terrestrial snail Aegopinella ressmanni (Westerlund, 1883) was found for the first time in the Czech Republic at nine sites in E Bohemia. Abundant populations of the species occurred in wet habitats of the Tich¨¢ Orlice River valley between the village of Hn¨¢tnice and the town of Brandys nad Orlic¨ª. These Czech populations were found 250 km far from the known northernmost sites in Germany and Austria. %K Aegopinella ressmanni %K Czech Republic %K first record %K northernmost occurrence %U http://mollusca.sav.sk/pdf/7/7.Horsak-Mysak.pdf