%0 Journal Article %T Transnationalism in an Uncertain Environment: Relationship between Migration, Policy and Theory %A Christine Inglis %J International Journal of Multicultural Societies %D 2007 %I %X The purpose of this paper is to reintroduce theory into the debate onmigration policy and show its relevance for policy-makers and othersseeking to understand new challenges to understanding migration andthe patterns of migrant incorporation in the contemporary worldwhere concerns about national security and identity have come todominate so much of the debate. Key influences on the debates haveinvolved concerns about the spread of diseases via migratorymovements; cross-border criminal activities including humantrafficking, the illicit drug trade and money laundering; the impact of climate change and environmental disasters; and political upheavals causing renewed refugee flows. Of particular importance have been concerns about terrorism in industrialised immigration countries. The uncertainties associated with these new challenges facing policymakers cannot easily be understood by extrapolations from older approaches to migration and migrant incorporation. In particular, the paper explores the relevance of the transnationalism paradigm to better understanding the nexus between the phenomena of migration, policy relating to the flows of people and their incorporation into new societies, and related theoretical conceptualisations in the current climate of enhanced international and domestic uncertainty and insecurity, taking the Asia Pacific region as an example. %K Asia Pacific region %K migration policies %K transnationalism %K Asia migration %K Asia Pacific migration %U http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001584/158473E.pdf#page=7