%0 Journal Article %T Construcci¨®n de territorios en Donoso, Panam¨¢. Per¨ªodo 1970-2008 %A Manuel de Jes¨²s Jim¨¦nez Montero %A Benito Ram¨ªrez Valverde %A Juan Pablo Mart¨ªnez D¨¢vila %J Historia Cr¨ªtica %D 2012 %I Universidad de los Andes %X This article analyzes the historical process of appropriation of territory by the actors of the region of Donoso, Panama over the last four decades. We argue that under these regional dynamics the conflict over the use of natural resources is highlighted. While in the i97os a proposal prioritizing agricultural development was developed, later actions by the state leaned towards deterritorializing peasant communities. As a response, an emergent peasant social movement outlined its own proposal of land use. %K Panama %K peasant class %K social movement %K rural development. %U http://historiacritica.uniandes.edu.co/view.php/798/index.php?id=798