%0 Journal Article %T Modelling of Submerged and Aerated Filters Modelaci¨®n de filtros sumergidos y aireados %A Miguel A. D¨ªaz Marrero %A Farah de Armas Machado %J Revista Cubana de Ingenier¨ªa %D 2010 %I Instituto Superior Polit¨¦cnico Jos¨¦ Antonio Echeverr¨ªa (Cujae) %R 10.1234/rci.v1i2.21 %X Biofilm processes have been profusely used during the last ten years. This, due to the more and more rigorous standards for wastewater treatment and the necessity of a better use of the space. Biofilm processes include the "submerged fixed bed reactors". Such reactors are characterized by their high buffer capacity as a consequence of the organic load fluctuations originated by the high capacity of adsorption of the biofilm. This paper shows the modeling of an aerated fixed bed submerged reactor at pilot plant scale, for the treatment of a synthetic substrate. An experiment design was used. Operational variables used were organic matter concentration as COD, hydraulic retention time, packing area and aeration level. Se realiza un estudio del comportamiento de un reactor de cama fija sumergido y aireado a escala piloto en el tratamiento de un residual sint¨¦tico. Los objetivos que se persiguen son modelar el comportamiento de un filtro sumergido y aireado ante variaciones de par¨¢metros operacionales tales como: concentraci¨®n de la alimentaci¨®n, tiempo de retenci¨®n hidr¨¢ulico, ¨¢rea de empaquetadura y nivel de aireaci¨®n. Para ello se realiz¨® un dise o de experimento que fue procesado a trav¨¦s del Stat Graphics, determinando la influencia que sobre la remoci¨®n de la demanda qu¨ªmica de ox¨ªgeno tiene estos par¨¢metros o la combinaci¨®n entre ellos. %K filtros sumergidos y aireados %K tratamiento de residuales %K biopel¨ªcula %U http://rci.cujae.edu.cu/index.php/rci/article/view/21