%0 Journal Article %T THE CERVICAL SYMPATHETIC TRUNK AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CERVICAL FASCIA %A Reza Hejazi %J Acta Medica Iranica %D 1980 %I Tehran University of Medical Sciences %X This paper has attempted t o shew t he rela t i onship of the cervi c a l sympa t het ic trunk t o t h e cervi c a l fasc i a . The cervic al por t ion o f each sympathe tic t runk usually cons i s t s of thr ee gang l ia , distingui s hed according t o their pos i t i ons a s t he superior, middle, and i nfe rior , and conne c ted by an intervening c ord. The cervical sympathetics ( t r unk and ganglia) send grey rami communi c antes to all the cer v i c a l spi na l nerves, but receive no %U http://journals.tums.ac.ir/PdfMed.aspx?pdf_med=/upload_files/pdf/5167.pdf&manuscript_id=5167