%0 Journal Article %T Parasitosis intestinal y educaci車n sanitaria en alumnos de la Unidad Educativa Guamacho Intestinal parasitosis and health education among students from Guamacho Educational Unit %A Igdany Reyes Torres %A Orlenys Betancourt Garc赤a %J Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomˋˋdicas %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X Las parasitosis intestinales es un problema de salud en zonas rurales de la Rep迆blica Bolivariana de Venezuela y es la poblaci車n infantil la mayormente afectada. Los objetivos de nuestra investigaci車n fueron: 1) Conocer la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal en alumnos del 4to. a 6to. grados de la Unidad Educativa Guamacho, ubicada en el Municipio Aut車nomo P赤ritu, Estado Falc車n. 2) Dise ar un plan estrat谷gico desde la atenci車n primaria de salud que fortalezca la educaci車n sanitaria de los estudiantes, familiares, maestros y los trabajadores que elaboran los alimentos en dicha Instituci車n. La muestra qued車 conformada por 30 alumnos. Se recolectaron las muestras de heces fecales y se procesaron en el Centro Integral de Diagn車stico de Guamacho. En el 78 % de las muestras estudiadas se constat車 la presencia de Giardia lamblia y Ascaris lumbricoides, con predominio de la primera. Se realizaron charlas educativas de promoci車n de salud a los estudiantes, familiares, maestros y personal responsabilizado con la elaboraci車n de los alimentos. Intestinal parasitosis is a health problem in rural areas of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the child population being the most affected. The objectives of our study were the following: 1) Determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis among students from grades 4 to 6 at Guamacho Educational Unit, located in the Autonomous Municipality of P赤rity, State of Falc車n. 2) Develop a strategic plan starting from primary health care aimed at strengthening the health education of students, relatives, teachers and food processing employees at the institution. The sample was composed of 30 students. Stool samples were collected and sent to Guamacho Integrated Diagnostic Center for analysis. 78 % of the samples studied were found to contain Giardia lamblia and Ascaris lumbricoides, with higher prevalence of the former. Educational health promotion talks were conducted with students, relatives, teachers and food processing personnel. %K parasitismo intestinal %K estudiantes %K educaci車n sanitaria %K intestinal parasitism %K students %K health education %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03002012000100013