%0 Journal Article %T Conceptual aspects regarding balneotherapy tourism marketing in Romania %A Aurelia-Felicia ST£¿NCIOIU %A Codru£¿a-Adina B£¿LTESCU %A Andreea BOTO£¿ %A Ion P£¿RGARU %J Theoretical and Applied Economics %D 2013 %I General Association of Economists from Romania %X Although the Romanian balneotherapy tourism potential is exceptional, its effects do not match the level of the de facto natural resources, hence Romania¡¯s unjustified distance from the main international, European competitors, with a balneotherapy tourism tradition. The all-levels causes (macro, meso and micro) derive from both directions (on the one hand, from the consumers, whose perception should be changed, and, on the other hand, from the numerous holders of these resources). However, before studying the causes, there is a strong need for understanding, knowing and finding a common denominator for the concepts and dimensions of the health tourism. %K balneotherapy tourism %K medical tourism %K wellness tourism %K spa tourism %K balneotherapy tourism marketing. %U http://store.ectap.ro/articole/835.pdf