%0 Journal Article %T CONSTRUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL VAGINA BY THE DAVIDOV TECHNIQUE %A H.Azhar %J Acta Medica Iranica %D 1980 %I Tehran University of Medical Sciences %X The res ults of vag i noplasty ~n t e ~ patients using the Davidov t e chni que have be e n reported . Nine pat ients had the procedure performed f or the i r s t time . One patient had a prev ~o us vaginoplasty , ( t e chni que ). Pos t -operative mo rbi d ity wa s mi nima l a nd the l ong term r esults go' od. Further advantages o f the technique have been discussed %U http://journals.tums.ac.ir/PdfMed.aspx?pdf_med=/upload_files/pdf/5152.pdf&manuscript_id=5152