%0 Journal Article %T Aspects of labor market flexicurity in the Mediterranean and Anglo-Saxon models %A Alina £¿tefania CHENIC (CRE£¿U) %J Theoretical and Applied Economics %D 2013 %I General Association of Economists from Romania %X In the context of the economic crisis and the challenges of globalization, the paper presents and analyses relevant aspects of labor market flexicurity, especially in the Mediterranean and Anglo- Saxon model. Thus, the labor market in Spain and the United Kingdom has been studied, highlighting the reason behind existing problems, compared to other EU countries, notably in the Euro area (Italy, Greece, Portugal, Germany). Labor market flexicurity highlights labor market flexibility while, at the same time, ensuring safe transition for employees from a job to another. In this context, it should be emphasized that integration in the Economic and Monetary Union involves fulfilling a major condition in order to cope within the Union, namely labor market flexibility. %K Mediterranean model %K Anglo-Saxon model %K flexicurity %K economic crisis. %U http://store.ectap.ro/articole/852.pdf