%0 Journal Article %T A Serological study of suspected cases of toxoplasmosis in Iran %A Sh. Rafiei %J Acta Medica Iranica %D 1980 %I Tehran University of Medical Sciences %X Indirect f l uorescent antibody test was us ed to det ermine frequency dis t r ibuti on o f toxoplasmos is in pati e nt s wi th c e r tain spec i f i c c l i nical symptoms name l y ,cho r ioretinits , a b o r tio n s , lymphadenopat hy, hydrocephaly and i n t r a c t a b l e fevers. Tests o n ser a samples of g e ne ra l papul a t ion "no rmal" subject are i nc l ude d for comp ar i son and cont ro l . %U http://journals.tums.ac.ir/PdfMed.aspx?pdf_med=/upload_files/pdf/5164.pdf&manuscript_id=5164