%0 Journal Article %T Research: A COMPARATIVE PHARMACOGNOSTICAL INVESTIGATION BETWEEN FEMALE AND MALE LEAF OF JYOTISMATI (Celastrus paniculatus) %A Monojit Debnath* %A C R Harisha %A K Nishteswar %J Pharmacie Globale : International Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy %D 2012 %I %X Jyotismati (Celastrus paniculatus) is a woody climber belongs to the family Celastraceae; a well known herbal tranquilizer, distributed through the tropical and subtropical regions of India. The present study is concerned with the detail pharmacognostical approach on the fresh and powdered leaf of Jyotismati, traditionally used as a emmanogogue and having different folk use like sedative, wound healing, antirheumatic effect etc. It is a dioceious plant, so the male and female plant is separate there. For the first time in this study comparative Pharmacognostical work is carried out with both of the male and female leaf and prominent differential characters are found during the investigation; like- In morphological study the male leaf having extra dark leaf with comeratively more twisted petiole than the female, in microscopical study also the distinction is found as the presence of fibre is found below the vascular bundle in case of male leaf but it is absent in female leaf. The detail Pharmacognostical work regarding its leaf of both sexes may help to evaluate the clue about the pharmacological property lied between the leaves of jyotismati. %K Jyotismati %K leaf %K stomata %U http://pharmacie-globale.info/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=259&tmpl=component&format=raw&Itemid=41