%0 Journal Article %T Hepatitis sifil赤tica Syphilitic hepatitis %A Rodolfo Su芍rez Iznaga %J Revista Cubana de Medicina %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X Se present車 un paciente de 40 a os, con antecedentes patol車gicos personales de sepsis urinaria a repetici車n en los 迆ltimos 2 a os, que 1 mes antes del ingreso comenz車 con decaimiento, p谷rdida de peso y del apetito, dolor abdominal difuso y orinas oscuras. Se describi車 la evoluci車n cl赤nica y los estudios realizados mediante los cuales se le diagnostic車 s赤filis secundaria con afectaci車n hep芍tica y dermatol車gica. A case is presented of a male 40 year-old patient with a history of recurrent urinary sepsis for the last 2 years. One month before his admission, he started out with weakness, appetite suppression and weight loss, diffuse abdominal pain and dark urine. A description is provided of the patient's clinical evolution and the studies performed, by which he was diagnosed with secondary syphilis with hepatic and dermatologic manifestations. %K s赤filis secundaria %K hepatitis sifil赤tica %K secondary syphilis %K syphilitic hepatitis %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232012000300009