%0 Journal Article %T Insuficiencia mitral severa asintom芍tica. A prop車sito de un caso Severe asymptomatic mitral regurgitation. About a case %A Ricardo Amador Garc赤a Hern芍ndez %A Alejandro Muˋoz Mart赤nez %A Yosvany Tirado C谷spedes %A David Alejandro Soto Diago %J Revista Cubana de Medicina %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X La insuficiencia mitral es una afecci車n com迆n que incide generalmente en 2 % de la poblaci車n, el prolapso valvular es el hallazgo m芍s frecuente por la elongaci車n o ruptura de las cuerdas tendinosas lo que ocasiona dis赤miles grados de regurgitaci車n durante la contracci車n ventricular. A pesar de ello, la evaluaci車n cl赤nica de los pacientes asintom芍ticos con insuficiencia mitral severa, permanece en controversia y es motivo de debate entre los principales expertos. Se present車 un caso de insuficiencia mitral severa asintom芍tica por rotura de cuerda tendinosa, al cual se le realiz車 sustituci車n valvular mitral debido al grado de deterioro del aparato valvular y sub-valvular, se logr車 buen resultado en el seguimiento. Mitral failure is a common disease that generally affects 2 % of the population. The valvular prolapse is the most frequent finding due to elongation or rupture of tendinous cords that brings about different levels of regurgitation during the ventricular contraction. Despite the above-mentioned, the clinical evaluation of asymptomatic severe mitral failure patients remains controversial and is very much debated among outstanding experts. A case of asymptomatic severe mitral failure caused by rupture of the tendinous cord was presented. The mitral valve was replaced because the valvular and subvalvular systems were much deteriorated. The follow-up of the patient showed good results. %K insuficiencia mitral severa asintom芍tica %K sustituci車n valvular mitral %K asymptomatic severe mitral failure %K mitral valve replacement %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-75232012000400008