%0 Journal Article %T Two dimensional plastic waves in quasi rate independent viscoplastic materials %A Mi£¿unovi£¿ M.V. %A Albertini C. %A Grillo A. %A Muha I. %J Theoretical and Applied Mechanics %D 2011 %I Serbian Society of Mechanics, Belgrade %R 10.2298/tam1101047m %X The subject of this work is an analysis of the experimental biaxial Hopkinson bar technique when such a device consists of a cruciform tensile specimen surrounded by four very long elastic bars. Unlike commonly applied by-pass analysis which attempts to draw conclusions from behavior of elastic bars we attempt to take into account real plastic waves inside the specimen with few hundreds of reflections. A quasi rate-independent as well as a more general rate-dependent tensor function model for ASME 537 steel are applied. Plastic wave speeds non-existent in traditional elasto-viscoplasticity are analyzed. Some preliminary numerical results for symmetric and non-symmetric loading cases valid for initial and subsequent elastic ranges are given. %K 2D Hopkinson bar %K cruciform specimen %K quasi rate independent materials %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-5584/2011/1450-55841101047M.pdf