%0 Journal Article %T DOES DEMOLITION OF SLUMS AFFECTS ON PRE-SCHOOL CHILDRENĄ¯S HEALTH IN MUMBAI? %A Sanjay RODE %J Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management %D 2009 %I Research Centre in Public Administration and Public Services, Academy of Economic Studies %X This paper compares the incidence of malnutrition among below five age group children in demolished and not demolished slums in Mumbai. After demolition of kuttcha slums, the incidence of stunting and wasting increases among boys. The incidence of underweight is observed very high for girls. Incidence of severe malnourishment becomes double after demolition of kuttcha slums. The logit regression model shows that the incidence of malnourishment among 0-5 age group children is negatively related to per capita income, age of the child, motherĄ¯s education, and positively related to motherĄ¯s body mass index. As far as malnourishment among pre-school children is concerned then, dummy variable for demolished slums is positive and statistically significant.The policy mix of redevelopment of kuttcha slums, income improvement through training to women, opening up of new Anganwadi centers, provision of health care facilities and sanitation will certainly reduce the incidence of child malnutrition in Mumbai. %K demolished slums %K malnutrition %K underweight %U http://um.ase.ro/no10/5.pdf