%0 Journal Article %T Age as an Important Factor in Setting an Indication for Operative Treatment for Children with Cerebral Palsy %A Azra Delalic %J Acta Medica Saliniana %D 2010 %I University Clinical Center Tuzla %R 10.5457/194 %X Cerebral palsy is the result of brain damage in the early developmental period with clinically expressed various disorders, especially motoric ones. Child begins with a normally developed muscoskeletal system, but in time, due to spasticity and lack of activity contractures and deformities that can slow down its further functional recovery occur. Timely application of orthopedic-surgical treatment can have a positive effect on further course of rehabilitation, but also, for children who were previously operated and where applied certain operational techniques, occurring recurrences of the same deformity or secondary deformity are more frequent. By applying non-operative methods in decreasing spasticity one can delay the time of operative intervention or avoid the operation in children with cerebral palsy. %K cerebral palsy %K childs age %K orthopedic-surgical treatment %U http://saliniana.com.ba/index.php?journal=ams&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=194