%0 Journal Article %T ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITIES IN THE MICRO-BASIN OF THE BARRINHA STREAM, PIRASSUNUNGA COUNTY, S O PAULO STATE, BRAZIL = ATIVIDADES ANTR車PICAS NA MICROBACIA DO C車RREGO DA BARRINHA, MUNIC赤PIO DE PIRASSUNUNGA, ESTADO DE S O PAULO, BRASIL %A Andr谷 Gustavo Mazzini Bufon %A Samia Maria Tauk-Tornisielo %A Jos谷 S芍vio Colares de Melo %A Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim %J Holos Environment %D 2012 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use and occupation of the Barrinha stream micro-basin, in order to identify the local environment conditions. The micro-basin is located in Cachoeira de Emas, Pirassununga County, S o Paulo State, with an estimated area of 862 ha. This micro-basin is located in the Mogi Gua u river basin where situated the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, National Center for Research and Conservation of Fish Continental. The area is located is heavily influenced by demographic, crossed by paved road and bounded by two urban districts (Cachoeira de Emas and Vila Santa Fe), the watershed suffers the effects of anthropogenic pressure directly. The management of crops results for a few months of the year the soil presenting without protection. This combined with the morphological characteristics allow laminar erosion process that promotes the occurrence of ridges, ravines and gullies downstream. Moreover, there is the presence of regressive erosion on slopes, in ravines marked by grooves, pronounced in recent terrace area. The situation of soil loss, mainly caused by management or the misguided agricultural practice in areas of permanent preservation, as the niche of the spring, are factors that tend to contribute to the loss of fertile soil. The planting of sugar cane, crop rotation, and the practice of gravel mining intensify the siltation in the channel of the Barrinha steam. = O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso e ocupa o do solo da microbacia do c車rrego da Barrinha no intuito de identificar a situa o existente. A microbacia do c車rrego da Barrinha est芍 localizada em Cachoeira de Emas, no munic赤pio de Pirassununga, Estado de S o Paulo, com 芍rea estimada em 862 ha. Est芍 localizada na bacia do rio Mogi-Gua u onde se situa o Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserva o da Biodiversidade, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conserva o de Peixes Continentais. A 芍rea onde se localiza est芍 sob forte influ那ncia demogr芍fica, recortada por estrada asfaltada e limitada por dois distritos urbanos (Cachoeira de Emas e Vila Santa F谷), essa microbacia sofre diretamente os efeitos da press o antr車pica. O manejo de culturas faz com que durante alguns meses do ano o solo se apresente sem prote o. Isso, combinado com as caracter赤sticas morfol車gicas e de morformetria, permite o processo erosivo laminar, o que promove a ocorr那ncia de sulcos, ravinas e vo orocas 角 jusante. Al谷m disso, ocorre tamb谷m a presen a de eros o regressiva em taludes, marcada por sulcos em ravinas, pronunciadas em 芍rea de terra o recente. A situa o da per %K Micro-basin %K Barrinha stream %K Anthropogenic %K Negatives environmental impacts = Microbacia %K C車rrego da Barrinha %K Atividades antr車picas %K Impactos ambientais negativos. %U http://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br/index.php/holos/article/view/3974/4459