%0 Journal Article %T Apocalypse without revelation: Svetozar Stojanovi on the possibility of self-destruction of humanity %A Prnjat Aleksandar %J Theoria, Beograd %D 2012 %I Serbian Philosophical Society, Belgrade %R 10.2298/theo1204113p %X The possibility of self-destruction of the humanity presents a constant accompanying topic in all books of Svetozar Stojanovi written after his doctoral dissertation in metaethics. Whatever topics being elaborated, there would always be something on this matter. At the beginning these were only incidental observations and a possible standpoint on the main topic, but later it became more often a distinctive field of observation or even a prevailing perspective. In this paper the author reconstructs considerations of Stojanovi on this topic in the light of his apocalyptic terminology. Since Stojanovi refers to apocalypse in the secular sense, I name it, in a straightforward opposition to its original meaning, the apocalypse without revelation. It is the apocalypse in which the cataclysmic aspect is the only left and I demonstrate that this term follows Stojanovi ¡¯s original intentions faithfully. In the paper, I present and comment on all the stages of Stojanovi ¡¯s work on this topic, thus claiming that it constitutes the only constant in philosophical and political phases of his thought. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179064: Istra ivanje klimatskih promena na ivotnu sredinu: pra enje uticaja, adaptacija i ubla avanje, Potprojekat: Etika i politika ivotne sredine: institucije, tehnike i norme pred izazovom promena prirodnog okru enja i projekat br. 43007: Istorija srpske filozofije] %K Environmental ethics %K praxis philosophy %K apocalypse %K weapons of mass destruction %K environmental politics %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0351-2274/2012/0351-22741204113P.pdf