%0 Journal Article %T A MAN WITH HOT POTATO VOICE AND NECK SWELLING %A M Irfan %A A Puvan Arul %J Malaysian Family Physician %D 2012 %I Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia %X A 47-years-old Malay gentleman presented with painless leftneck swelling for one month (Figure 1). One week prior tothe symptom, he experienced change of voice (hot potatovoice) associated with sore throat and odynophagia. Therewas no fever, dysphagia, loss of weight, or loss of appetite.There was no trismus or any past history of foreign body inthroat. Ear and nasal symptoms were negative. %U http://e-mfp.org/2012v7n1/pdf/tonsil-asymmetry.pdf