%0 Journal Article %T Cosmological argument for a/theism: Craig's and Smith's interpretation of big bang cosmology %A £¿uri£¿ Drago %J Theoria, Beograd %D 2012 %I Serbian Philosophical Society, Belgrade %R 10.2298/theo1203081d %X In this paper we shall consider over 30-Years larg disscusion between theistic philosopher of religion William Lane Craig and athestic philosopher Quentin Smith about kalam cosmological argument and big bang cosmological hypothesis. Main issue of their's disscusion is the problem of the cause of the beginnig of the universe. Craig tries to give us arguments for the thesis that the big bang cosmology is compatible with the his kalam kosmological argument, and, consenquently, that God is cause of the big bang. Smith but tries to give us the arguments for the thesis that the kalam cosmological argument is not sound, and that cause of the big bang is not God. At the beginnig of the discussion Smith has defended thesis that big bang has no cause. Lather but he defends the thesis that the universe is self-caused. During this larg and intensive discussion are developed interesting arguments, some of which we shall present here. %K W.L. Craig %K Quentin Smith %K big bang cosmology %K kalam cosmological argument %K causation %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0351-2274/2012/0351-22741203081D.pdf