%0 Journal Article %T Knowledge and foretelling: On imagining future %A Krsti£¿ Predrag %J Theoria, Beograd %D 2012 %I Serbian Philosophical Society, Belgrade %R 10.2298/theo1202085k %X This paper presents and validates opposing notions regarding possibility of knowing the future. The medium for this enquiry is science fiction production in the literature, television and film. It finds that potential for knowing (in this production) demonstrate, illustrate, provokes, but also encounters the same epistemological, ethical and metaphysical quandaries that modern and contemporary philosophy deals with. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007: Istra ivanje klimatskih promena i njihovog uticaja na ivotnu sredinu, pra enje uticaja, adaptacija i ubla avanje - podprojekat: Etika i politike ivotne sredine: institucije, tehnike i norme pred izazovom promena prirodnog okru enja i Projekat br. 41004: Retke bolesti: molekularna patofiziologija, dijagnosti ki i terapijski modaliteti i socijalni, eti ki i pravni aspekti - podprojekat: Bioeti ki aspekti: moralno prihvatljivo u biotehnolo ki i dru tveno mogu em] %K future %K knowledge %K prediction %K Kant %K science fiction %K thought experiment %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0351-2274/2012/0351-22741202085K.pdf