%0 Journal Article %T CONCEPTUAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES RELATED TO MONITORING IN STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT = QUEST ES CONCEITUAIS E METODOL¨®GICAS RELACIONADAS AO MONITORAMENTO EM AVALIA O AMBIENTAL ESTRAT¨¦GICA %A Clara Carvalho de Lemos %A Tal¨ªa Manceira Bonfante %A Renato Leandro Taguchi %A Marcelo Pereira de Souza %J Holos Environment %D 2011 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has emerged as a tool that supports decision making in order to ensure the consideration of environmental issues in strategic planning such as policies, plans and programs (PPP). SEA, however, does not end with the adoption of the PPP. It is required as one of SEA stages that a monitoring process should be established, aiming at identifying the significant environmental effects from PPP implementation, the unforeseen adverse effects and the adoption of appropriate remedial actions. This paper presents the concepts and methodologies for SEA monitoring. Aiming at discussing the concepts and practical issues an analysis of two practical experiences was carried out, both in England, under a regional (Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft East Midlands Regional Plan) and a local basis (Sustainability Appraisal of the North Hertfordshire Local Development Framework). Good practice criteria were identified both in the literature and the requirements established by the SEA Directive. It was found that even in England, which is considered a reference in terms of research and practice of SEA, there are still a number of adjustments to be done and failures to be improved for monitoring purposes, especially regarding the identification of remedial actions for negative environmental impacts. Thus, to achieve the goals outlined for SEA there is a clear need to ensure the feedback process using information identified in the monitoring. = A Avalia o Ambiental Estrat¨¦gica (AAE) emerge como um instrumento de apoio ¨¤ tomada de decis o para garantir a considera o das quest es ambientais em situa es estrat¨¦gicas como Pol¨ªticas, Planos e Programas (PPP). Entretanto, a AAE n o termina com a ado o das pol¨ªticas, mas requer, como uma de suas etapas, a ado o do monitoramento, que tem como objetivo acompanhar os efeitos ambientais significativos da implanta o dos PPPs; identificar, no est¨¢gio inicial, os efeitos adversos n o previstos e auxiliar a ado o de medidas de corre o adequadas. Este estudo tem como objetivo discutir e explorar conceitos e metodologias sobre monitoramento em AAE. As quest es conceituais e te¨®ricas s o discutidas e relacionadas com as quest es pr¨¢ticas de monitoramento por meio da an¨¢lise de duas experi¨ºncias, ambas na Inglaterra, uma no ambito regional (Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft East Midlands Regional Plan) e outra no ambito local (Sustainability Appraisal of the North Hertfordshire Local Development Framework). Para as an¨¢lises das experi¨ºncias selecionadas foram considerados os crit¨¦rios de boa %K Strategic environmental assessment %K Monitoring %K Environmental planning = Avalia o ambiental estrat¨¦gica %K Monitoramento %K Planejamento ambiental. %U http://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br/index.php/holos/article/view/2206