%0 Journal Article %T Repercuss es da romaniza o da Igreja nos anos iniciais da Universidade Cat車lica de Pernambuco (Repercussions of the Romanization of the church during the initial years of the Catholic University of Pernambuco) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p230 %A Newton Darwin Andrade Cabral %J Horizonte : Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ci那ncias da Religiˋo %D 2013 %I Pontif赤cia Universidade Cat車lica de Minas Gerais %R 10.5752/p.2175-5841.2013v11n29p230 %X No per赤odo em que a Igreja Cat車lica vivia um processo conhecido como romaniza o, no Brasil come aram a surgir Faculdades e Universidades Cat車licas. Adjetivadas, tais institui es de ensino superior implicavam a aloca o de recursos os mais variados por parte do aparelho eclesi芍stico, pois a qualifica o atribu赤da era acompanhada da expectativa de um desempenho espec赤fico dentro do mais amplo processo de romaniza o. Este artigo objetiva abordar o contexto eclesial da 谷poca e, nele, a compreens o da Igreja acerca da sua rela o com a sociedade recifense, tendo como vi谷s a atua o da Universidade Cat車lica de Pernambuco, na cidade, e sua correspond那ncia ao cen芍rio estabelecido. Para escrev那-lo o autor fez revis o da literatura e pesquisa nos arquivos da pr車pria UNICAP e da Vice-prov赤ncia do Brasil Setentrional da Companhia de Jesus; al谷m disso, recorreu a depoimentos orais de ex-alunos e ex-professores. A an芍lise empreendida permite afirmar que, em sua trajet車ria inicial, a Universidade correspondeu ao ser cat車lico, se ele for entendido como sintonia com o modelo eclesial predominante na Igreja e ao papel dele decorrente. Palavras-chave: Igreja cat車lica. Modelos eclesiais. Educa o. Abstract During the period of time in which the Catholic Church experienced a process known as Romanization, there began to emerge Catholic colleges and universities in Brazil. Once having received the adjective Catholic, these institutions of higher education demanded of the ecclesiastic apparatus the allocation of the most varied resources, because the attributed qualification was accompanied by the expectancy of a specific performance inside the most ample process of Romanization. This article aims at accosting the ecclesiastic context of the time and, in it, the Churche*s understanding of its relationship with Recife*s society, taking as bias the acts of the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) in the city and its correspondence to the established scenario. To write it, the author revised the literature and research in the archives of the UNICAP itself and of the vice-province of Northern Brazil of the Society of Jesus; furthermore, he analyzed the oral testimony of former students and teachers. The analysis undertaken allows us to affirm that during its initial steps the university fulfilled the exigencies made for being Catholic, if this term was being understood as being in tune with the ecclesiastic model predominant in the Church at the time and the role corresponding to it. Keywords: Catholic Church. Ecclesiastic models. Education. %K Igreja cat車lica. Modelos eclesiais. Educa o. Catholic Church. Ecclesiastic models. Education %U http://periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/horizonte/article/view/4155