%0 Journal Article %T Anastomosis esofagog芍strica l芍tero-lateral con engrapadora lineal en la operaci車n de Ivor Lewis Side-to-side esophagogastric anastomosis with linear stapler in Ivor Lewis operation %A Gilberto Fleites Gonz芍lez %A Manuel Hidalgo Herrera %A Jes迆s 芍lvarez Padr車n %A Ernesto Ubals Justis %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X Introduccion: las lesiones tumorales del es車fago tienen un creciente impacto sobre la poblaci車n cubana, pero su tratamiento quir迆rgico es riesgoso, en particular por los fallos anastom車ticos. Objetivo: proponer una modificaci車n a la es車fago-gastrectom赤a de Ivor Lewis mediante una anastomosis l芍tero-lateral con engrapadora. M谷todos: se realizaron 19 es車fago-gastrectom赤as de Ivor Lewis con la modificaci車n propuesta de la t谷cnica anastom車tica entre enero de 2004 y diciembre de 2010. Resultados: de los pacientes operados, dos presentaron tumores en tercio medio, once en tercio distal, y seis en la uni車n es車fago-g芍strica o est車mago alto invadiendo el es車fago distal. No ocurrieron muertes quir迆rgicas. Las complicaciones mayores fueron: tromboembolismo pulmonar de ramas finas, fibrilaci車n auricular, neumon赤a, atelectasia . En ning迆n caso ocurri車 dehiscencia o estenosis de la anastomosis. La estad赤a hospitalaria promedio fue de 11 d赤as (m赤nimo 8, m芍ximo 17). Conclusiones: la anastomosis es車fago-g芍strica l芍tero-lateral por engrapadora lineal permite reducir la incidencia de dehiscencia y estenosis, lo que evita complicaciones en la intervenci車n quir迆rgica esof芍gica. Introduction: esophageal tumoral lesions have a growing impact on the Cuban population. However, their surgical treatment is risky, particularly due to the occurrence of anastomotic failures. Objective: propose a modification of Ivor Lewis esophagogastrectomy by means of a side-to-side anastomosis with stapler. Methods: nineteen Ivor Lewis esophagogastrectomies were performed with the proposed modification of the anastomotic technique between January 2004 and December 2010. Results: of the patients operated on, two had tumors in the middle third, eleven in the distal third, and six in the esophagogastric junction or the upper stomach invading the distal esophagus. No surgical deaths occurred. The following were major complications: pulmonary thromboembolism of fine branch, atrial fibrillation, pneumonia and atelectasis. No case presented anastomotic dehiscence or stenosis. Average hospital stay was 11 days (minimum 8, maximum 17). Conclusions: side-to-side esophagogastric anastomosis with linear stapler reduces the incidence of dehiscence and stenosis, preventing the occurrence of complications in esophageal surgery. %K es車fago %K es車fago-gastrectom赤a %K t谷cnica de Ivor Lewis %K esophagus %K esophagogastrectomy %K Ivor Lewis technique %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0138-65572012000300009