%0 Journal Article %T Dermatosis provocadas por la luz solar e influencia en la calidad de vida Skin lesions caused by sunlight and their influence on quality of life %A Leopoldina Falc車n Lincheta %A Bettsy Mart赤nez Cardoso %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X Introducci車n: en los 迆ltimos a os ha existido un incremento de lesiones dermatol車gicas en las zonas expuestas al sol como resultado del deterioro de la capa de ozono, lo que se ha comportado seg迆n los distintos tipos de piel, ello ha determinado que los sujetos vean afectada su calidad de vida. Objetivos: determinar las afectaciones por da o solar seg迆n fototipo cut芍neo y su relaci車n con la calidad de vida en sujetos que trabajan en el mar. M谷todos: estudio descriptivo en 204 sujetos trabajadores del mar mediante el examen cl赤nico-dermatol車gico y una medici車n de su calidad de vida a trav谷s del Cuestionario General de Calidad de Vida, el que defini車 la afectaci車n o no de esta. Resultados: predominaron los fototipos IV, V y III. La mayor赤a de los sujetos presentaron da o solar y afectaciones de la calidad de vida. Hubo relaci車n significativa entre el fototipo cut芍neo, el da o solar, la calidad de vida y el n迆mero de lesiones act赤nicas. Los diagn車sticos m芍s frecuentes fueron los l谷ntigos y fotoenvejecimiento. Las dimensiones m芍s afectadas fueron la salud f赤sica y la salud psicol車gica. Conclusiones: Se encontr車 relaci車n entre el fototipo cut芍neo de los sujetos, da o solar y la calidad de vida. Introduction: recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of dermatological lesions on skin areas exposed to sunlight, as a result of the depletion of the ozone layer. Sun damage varies with skin type, and affects the subjects' quality of life. Objectives: determine sun-related skin damage by skin phototype and its relationship to quality of life in sea workers. Methods: Descriptive study of 204 sea workers. All underwent clinical and dermatological examination as well as measurement of their quality of life through the General Quality of Life Questionnaire. Results: most subjects had sun-related skin damage and deterioration of their quality of life. Phototypes IV, V and III were predominant, and the most common diagnoses were lentigos and photoaging. The most affected areas were physical health and psychological health. Conclusions: sea workers show damage to their physical health due to their lengthy exposure to sunlight, which in turn affects their psychological health, particularly their self-esteem and mood. The combination of these factors negatively affects their quality of life and should be taken into account in the work strategies designed by their managers. %K da o solar %K fototipos cut芍neos %K calidad de vida %K sun damage %K skin phototypes %K quality of life %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0138-65572012000300004