%0 Journal Article %T Relacje pomi dzy yciem zawodowym a rodzinnym pracownika i ich wp yw na funkcjonowanie przedsi biorstwa %A Sylwia Sysko-Roma¨˝czuk %J Management and Business Administration. Central Europe %D 2011 %I Kozminski University %X In business there is an increasing conflict between the social role of a family member, who strives for satisfying needs of close relatives, and the role of an employee, who is strongly engaged in accomplishing his professional goals. Only outwardly the problem of work-life balance is not connected with functioning of the companies. The possibility of having a balanced life (work and family) is highly assessed by specialist and young talents. The employees are less likely to agree that requirements connected with work are more important than individual and family needs. %K social role %K work-life balance %U http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/fulltxt.php?ICID=1049918