%0 Journal Article %T Educaci車n por competencias en odontolog赤a %A Luis Alonso Calatrava Oramas %J Acta Odontol車gica Venezolana %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X Actualmente, la educaci車n por competencias es claramente una tendencia, la cual se extiende a la mayor赤a de los centros educativos. Su presencia dentro del panorama educativo requiere ser estudiada, para conocerla y comprenderla, adem芍s de identificar las opciones que hay para su implementaci車n y para elegir la que pueda adecuarse a las caracter赤sticas propias del pa赤s. El modelo educativo por competencias profesionales integradas para la educaci車n superior es una opci車n que busca generar procesos formativos de mayor calidad, pero sin perder de vista las necesidades de la sociedad, de la profesi車n, del desarrollo disciplinar y del trabajo acad谷mico At the moment, the education by competitions is clearly a tendency, which extends to most of the educative centers. Its presence within the educative panorama requires to be studied, to know it and to include/understand it, besides to identify the options that its implementation are and to choose the one that can be adapted to the own characteristics of the country. The educative model by integrated professional competitions for the superior education is an option that it looks for to generate processes of greater quality, but without losing the necessities of the society, the profession, and the development to discipline and the academic work %K competencias %K curriculum %K educaci車n odontol車gica %K competencies %K curriculum %K dental education %U http://wwww.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0001-63652010000100016