%0 Journal Article %T S¨ªndrome de atrapamiento del nervio pudendo Pudendal nerve entrapment syndrome %A Juan Jos¨¦ Noda Miranda %A Vladimir D¨ªaz Noda %J Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecolog£¿-a %D 2013 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X Introducci¨®n: el s¨ªndrome de atrapamiento del nervio pudendo se caracteriza por dolor vulvar, perineal, trastornos de la incontinencia fecal y urinaria, disfunci¨®n sexual y frecuentemente dolor quemante en el tal¨®n; se encuentra tambi¨¦n dolor clitoridio. Objetivos: presentar dos casos del s¨ªndrome de atrapamiento del nervio pudendo y su tratamiento conservador (infiltrativo). M¨¦todos: se describen dos casos con s¨ªndrome de atrapamiento del nervio pudendo, la primera de 36 a os y 7 a os con dolor y la segunda con 38 a os y 8 a os con dolor en el hospital "Abel Santamar¨ªa Cuadrado", durante los a os 2007 y 2008. Resultados: se realiz¨® tratamiento infiltrativo con esteroides en la zona del dolor cada 4-6 sem con cuatro o 6 dosis. Conclusiones: las pacientes tuvieron mejor¨ªa cl¨ªnica del dolor con el tratamiento infiltrativo. Introduction: this syndrome is characterized by vulvar, perineal pain, fecal and urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, burning pain in the heel and costal ridge; clitoridean pain is also found. Objectives: to present two cases suffering from Pudendal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome, applying a conservative treatment (infiltration block). Methods: two cases suffering from Pudendal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome are described in this paper. The first one was 36 years old women with and 7 year-pain and the second one was 38 years old woman with 8 year-pain. Both were treated at Abel Santamar¨ªa Cuadrado Teaching General Hospital from 2007 to 2008. Results: infiltration block with steroids in the pain region every 4-6 week per four or 6 doses was performed. Conclusion: the patients showed significant clinical improvement of the pain and symptoms disappeared. %K nervio pudendo %K atrapamiento %K lesiones %K pudendal nerve %K entrapment %K injures %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0138-600X2013000200012