%0 Journal Article %T JESTIANALYSIS OF CICERO'S ORATIO IN CATILINAM PRIMA FROM THE ASPECT OF PHONOSTYLISTICS AND LEXICOSTYLISTICS %A Sanja Merzi£¿ %J Human : Research in Rehabilitation %D 2013 %I Institute for Human Rehabilitation %X This work represents an analysis of Cicero's speech Oratio in Catilinam Prima on two levels: phonostylistic and lexico-stylistic with the goal to represent expressive voice function and figures of speech on phonostylistic level and to represent lexic with additional meaning, relations between words and lexico-syntactic figures on lexicostylistic level. Also, the purpose of the speech is to show what makes Cicero's speeches specific and successful. %K Cicero %K Catiline %K analysis %K phonostylistics %K lexicostylistics %K vocals %K consonants %K assonance %K alliteration %K pro-fessionalisms %K antonyms %K synonyms %K paronyms %K figures of speech. %U http://www.red.co.ba/human/2013%20vol4/rad%202.pdf