%0 Journal Article %T Rights of pediatric patient %A Ioannis Koutelekos %J To Vima tou Asklipiou %D 2013 %I Nursing Department of the Technological Educational Institute, Athens %X Children's rights provide a unique and child-centred approach to pediatric problems and generally provide a framework for improving children's lives around the world. Regarding acknowledgment of the significance of the Children's rights, the results of the literature review are controversial since little progress has been remarked in some countries, but real change in others. According to the majority of the research studies the most significant issue is to ensure that the institutions and services responsible to provide health care to children are able to apply in daily clinical practise the children's right to health. The most important step to achieve this goal is to involve children in decisions regarding their medical treatment. It is widely accepted that children need provision of a holistic care based on their needs and their individual development. %K Children's rights %K pediatric patient %K pediatric holistic care %U http://www.vima-asklipiou.gr/volumes/2013/VOLUME%2001_13/VA_SP_1_12_01_13.pdf