%0 Journal Article %T The Importance of the 6 Minute Walk test in the assessment of Romanian teenagers with cystic fibrosis %A Ornela O. Cluci %A Bogdan Alm£¿jan-Gu£¿£¿ %A Claudiu Avram %A Alexandra M. Rusu %J Timisoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal %D 2012 %I Mirton Publishing %X The measurement of lung function is the central part of the patients with cystic fibrosis assessment but we consider that exercise testing become an important tool in the continuous evaluation which is an indicative of prognosis and functional capacity and care of these patients. The 6 minute walk test is used to assess the individual¡¯s response to exercise. The aim of the study is to design an exercise training program, based on 6 minute walk test and to evaluate the effects of this complex protocol including incentive therapy, individualized supervised training program: swimming, trampoline, walking, jogging, aerobic gymnastic, cycling 3 times per week and airway clearance techniques. Material and method: We conducted a 6-month study, on 20 patients from the Romanian National Cystic Fibrosis Center, aged between 12 and 18. The inclusion criteria were: FEV1 or FVC lower than 60% of predicted, SpO2 lower than 94% at rest. Results and discussions: The initial assessment showed limitations of exercise due to poor skeletal muscle mass, pulmonary status and respiratory muscle strength. After combining airway clearance techniques, incentive therapy and individualized physical training, we observed improvements regarding pulmonary function, ease of breathing and significant increased of fitness (6 minutes walking distance increased from 518.2¡À108.9 meters to 604.9¡À68 meters). A positive correlation was observed between skeletal muscle mass and distance achieved to 6 minute walk test, at the end of the study. Conclusion: The proposed rehabilitation protocol of young cystic fibrosis patients is efficient and creates pleasure and joy during physiotherapy which enhanced the patient¡¯s adherence to the program. %K 6 minute walk test %K cystic fibrosis %K pulmonary function %K training program %U http://www.tperj.ro/en/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Art_5_vol_4_issue_8.pdf