%0 Journal Article %T Inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programmes improve cardiometabolic risk in revascularized coronary patients with type 2 diabetes %A Claudiu Avram %A Adina Avram %A L.aura Cr£¿ciun %A Stela Iurciuc %J Timisoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal %D 2010 %I Mirton Publishing %X The purpose of this paper is to evaluate cardiometabolic risk reduction of diabetic patients following coronary revascularizationprocedures after participation in outpatients or inpatients cardiac rehabilitation programmes. Materials and methods: weperformed a retrospective analytical study which included a group of 103 revascularized coronary patients with diabetesmellitus. Depending on participation in a cardiac rehabilitation program we have defined the following subgroups of patients:Group O (N=37) - attended the outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program; Group H (N=37) - attended the inpatient cardiacrehabilitation program; Group C (N=34) - did not participate in any cardiac rehabilitation program. Between those two momentsof assessment: T0 - revascularization / early post-revascularization and T1 - time of the interview (16¡À2.3 months afterrevascularization), patients in groups A and S participated in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program (12 weeks, 3sessions/week of exercise training, with clinical and paraclinical evaluation scheduled at 1, 6, 12 months afterrevascularization), or inpatient cardiac rehabilitation program (3 weeks, intensive sessions, scheduled at 1, 3, 6 and 12months after revascularization). Results: at the end of the study, we found significant differences among the three groups forthe following parameters: body mass index (p=0.01), systolic blood pressure (p=0.002), total cholesterol (p<0.001), LDLcholesterol(p<0.001) and non-HDL cholesterol (p=0.004) in favor of groups A and S, that have participated in comprehensivecardiac rehabilitation programs. Conclusions: comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programmes, performed outpatient orinpatient, are effective methods of reducing the high cardiometabolic risk, specific in revascularized coronary patients withdiabetes. %K cardiac rehabilitation %K cardiometabolic risk %K diabetes mellitus %U http://www.tperj.ro/en/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Issue_5_Article_6.pdf