%0 Journal Article %T Chemical constituents, phytochemical analysis and in vito anticancer activity of Hedera helix L %A Khaled N Rashed %A Gerda Fouche %J Topclass Journal of Herbal Medicine %D 2013 %I Topclass Global Enterprise %X This study deals with the evaluation of anti cancer effect of Hedera helix L. extracts and also the investigation of the phytoconstituents from the extracts of the plant. Petroleum ether (40-60?C), Chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol 80% extracts of H. helix aerial parts were tested for their anti-cancer activities on three cancer cells TK10 (renal), UACC62 (melanoma) and MCF7 (breast) cancer cells using a Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. Petroleum ether of H. helix aerial parts at the concentration of 100 ¦Ìg/ml has shown a significant anticancer effect for UACC62 (melanoma) and showed less anticancer effect for the other two cancer cells while the other extracts have mild anticancer effect on the three cancer cells. Phytochemical profile of the plant extracts proves the presence of triterpenes, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and carbohydrates. Bioguided fractionation of petroleum ether extract revealed the isolation and identification of -sitosterol, stigmasterol which are the major constituents. The results suggest that petroleum ether extract of H. helix exhibited a significant anti cancer activity %K Hedera helix %K leaf %K anticancer activity %K phytoconstituents %U http://topclassglobaljournals.org/tjhm/pdf/2013/September/Rashed%20and%20fouche.pdf