%0 Journal Article %T Actividades para la correcci車n de la apraxia constructiva en pacientes con secuelas de enfermedad cerebro-vascular = Activities for the correction of constructive apraxia in patients with sequels of brain-vascular illness %A Torres Aguilar %A Maydane %A Oliva Rodr赤guez %A Hansel %A Nodaerse Ravelo %A Jenny %A Crespo Moinelo %A Mercedes %J TOG : Revista de Terapia Ocupacional de la APGTO %D 2008 %I Asociaci車n Profesional Gallega de Terapeutas Ocupacionales (APGTO) %X RESUMENObjetivo: Evaluar un sistema de actividades realizadas para la correcci車n y compensaci車n de la apraxia constructiva despu谷s de la exploraci車n neuropsicol車gica. M谷todo: Con el prop車sito de evaluar este sistema de actividades, se realiz車 un estudio prospectivo experimental con 15 pacientes que permanecieron en el Centro Internacional de Investigaciones y Restauraci車n Neurol車gica (CIREN) durante un per赤odo de 54 d赤as que recibieron tratamiento defectol車gico (Terapia Ocupacional) diario. En consecuencia se aplic車 una escala evaluativa pre y post-intervenci車n terap谷utica compar芍ndose los resultados.Resultados: A trav谷s de la escala de puntaje aplicada se obtuvo un incremento de recuperaci車n en cuanto a la realizaci車n de las actividades sin niveles de ayuda ni modelos previos de un 93,4% post-intervenci車n, como promedio, en los pacientes analizados.Conclusiones: Se observ車 una mejor asociaci車n entre la idea del movimiento y la ejecuci車n motora as赤 como entre la percepci車n visual y la acci車n apropiada, despu谷s de la intervenci車n.SUMMARYA great number of patients with Encephalic Static Lesions suffer psychic and motor alterations that avoid him to develop it more usually possible in his social environment. One of the psychic alterations that are frequently presented is the constructive apraxia which can appear in different grades, depending among other factors, of the severity of the damage. This unchains difficulties that go from the less complex, as the reproduction of drawings until others of more complexity like daily basic activities. Objectives: Evaluate system of activities for correction and/or compensation the constructive apraxia after neuro-psychological exploration. Methods and Material: With the proposal to check the effectiveness of this system of activities we carry out a prospective and experimental study with 15 patients that were in CIREN (International Centre of Research and Neurological Restoration) for a period of 54 days in occupational and language therapy with a daily frequency, we apply an evaluative scale before and after the treatment, whose results were analyzed comparatively. Results: Trough the applied scale we observed a 93,4% increase post-intervention like average in intervenes patients. Conclusions: After the treatment we observed a better association between moment idea and the movement properly saying as well as between visual perception and the appropriate %K Apraxia %K terapia ocupacional %K Trastornos del lenguaje %K Rehabilitaci車n de los trastornos del habla y del lenguaje %K Occupational therapy %K Language Disorders %K Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders %U http://revistatog.com/num8/original1.htm