%0 Journal Article %T Back-to-Back Comparison of Auto-Fluorescence Imaging (AFI) Versus High Resolution White Light Colonoscopy for Adenoma Detection %A Kentaro Moriichi %A Mikihiro Fujiya %A Ryu Sato %A Jiro Watari %A Yoshiki Nomura %A Toshie Nata %A Nobuhiro Ueno %A Shigeaki Maeda %A Shin Kashima %A Kentaro Itabashi %A Chisato Ishikawa %A Yuhei Inaba %A Takahiro Ito %A Kotaro Okamoto %A Hiroki Tanabe %A Yusuke Mizukami %A Yusuke Saitoh %A Yutaka Kohgo %J BMC Gastroenterology %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1471-230x-12-75 %X This study enrolled 88 patients who underwent colonoscopy at Asahikawa Medical University and Kushiro Medical Association Hospital. A randomly selected colonoscopist first observed the sigmoid colon and rectum with conventional high resolution endosopy (HRE). Then the colonoscopist changed the mode to AFI and handed to the scope to another colonoscopist who knew no information about the HRE. Then the second colonoscopist observed the sigmoid colon and rectum. Each colonoscopist separately recorded the findings. The detection rate, miss rate and procedural time were assessed in prospective manner.The detection rate of flat and depressed adenoma, but not elevated adenoma, by AFI is significantly higher than that by HRE. In less-experienced endoscopists, AFI dramatically increased the detection rate (30.3%) and reduced miss rate (0%) of colorectal adenoma in comparison to those of HRE (7.7%, 50.0%), but not for experienced endoscopists. The procedural time of HRE was significantly shorter than that of AFI.AFI increased the detection rate and reduced the miss rate of flat and depressed adenomas. These advantages of AFI were limited to less-experienced endoscopists because experienced endoscopists exhibited a substantially high detection rate for colorectal adenoma with HRE. %K Autofluorescence imaging %K Colorectal adenoma %K Detection rate %K Flat and depressed adenoma %K Less-experienced endoscopist %K High-resolution colonoscope %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-230X/12/75/abstract