%0 Journal Article %T Educazione motoria e disabilit¨¤ in unĄŻottica di approccio globale alla persona %A Giovanni Roma %J Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali %D 2012 %I Luigi Pellegrini Editore %X : Physical Education and Disability: following a comprehensive approach - The education of the body and through the body includes a full opportunity for personal growth. This approach moves beyond the obsolete position considering the physical education only as physical improvement of the individual. Thus, achieving broader base motor functions thus can represent a further step in motor education,with important implications for development. This approach, especially in the field of disabilities, can offer useful conceptual and terminological advances to understand the evolution and the trajectories of the people with disabilities. %K Education %K Sport %K Physical Activity %K Disability %U http://www.topologik.net/Giovanni_Roma_Topologik_11.pdf