%0 Journal Article %T BIODIESEL NO BRASIL: MAT¨¦RIAS PRIMAS E TECNOLOGIAS DE PRODU O %A Neyda de la Caridad Om Tapanes %A Donato Alexandre Gomes Aranda %A Rodolfo Salazar Perez %A Yordanka Reyes Cruz %J Acta Scientiae et Technicae %D 2013 %I Centro Universit¨˘rio Estadual da Zona Oeste %X Since the birth of the environmentalist movement, and, specially after the oil crisis in the 70s, alternative forms of energy have been discussed in order to substitute fossil fuels. One of these alternative fuels, Biodiesel, had its production and consume determined in the form of the law 11.097/05. In this paper, we discuss the current state of the art of Biodiesel in Brazil. %U http://www.uezo.rj.gov.br/ojs/index.php/ast/article/view/11