%0 Journal Article %T Approach to Speech and Language Delay in Children from the Perspective of Pediatrics %A Sinan Mahir KAYIRAN %A Seda Atilla £¿AH£¿N %A Sena CURE %J Marmara Medical Journal %D 2012 %I Marmara University %X During well-child visits, as pediatricians generally focus on physical examination, speech and language delay may be ignored. Speech and language delay is associated with genetic, emotional, neuropsychiatric or idiopathic causes. The prevelance in our country has not been established. When speech and language delay is suspected, the pediatrician should discuss this concern with the family and, if required, refer the child to a speech-language therapist. In this review, the issue is discussed from the perspective of pediatrics and what a pediatrician needs to know. (Marmara Medical Journal 2012;25:1-4) %K peech %K Language %K Delay %K Child %U http://mmj.dergisi.org/pdf.php3?id=616