%0 Journal Article %T The Persistence and Clearance Rate of Human Papilloma Virus Genotypes in Urban Turkish Women after One Year %A Tevfik YOLDEM£¿R %A Funda EREN %A Mithat ERENUS %J Marmara Medical Journal %D 2012 %I Marmara University %X Objective: To evaluate the persistence of the different human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in women detected positive for HPV at Marmara University Hospital gynecologic outpatient clinics.Patients and Methods: Forty out of 79 women who had been tested positive for HPV DNA in our initial prevalance study were re-assessed after one year. HPV types were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridization using a microarray.Results: One year after the initial assessment, 52.5% of the women had their initial HPV infection resolved and 35% of the women had acquired another HPV infection. The HPV DNA persistence was detected in 17.5% of the 40 women. Nine women had acquisition of HPV genotype by the same phylogenetic clade. 43.33% of high risk (HR) HPV type and 80% of the low risk (LR) HPV type infection had resolved.Conclusions: The persistence rate was increased in women with HR HPV types. Multiple and mixed HPV infections have an important impact on the persistence of HPV genotype. (Marmara Medical Journal 2012;25:10-5) %K Cervical cytology %K HPV genotype %K HPV persistence %K HPV clearance %U http://mmj.dergisi.org/pdf.php3?id=618