%0 Journal Article %T Eros, F¨ªlia e ¨¢gape: o amor do mundo grego ¨¤ concep o crist = Eros, Filia and Agape: the love from the Greek world to Christian conception %A Elton Moreira Quadros %J Acta Scientiarum : Human and Social Sciences %D 2011 %I %X Este artigo apresenta o amor nas tr¨ºs concep es: Eros, F¨ªlia e ¨¢gape. O primeiro ¨¦ apresentado conforme a mitologia grega e as reflex es de Plat o, as percep es de Arist¨®teles servem para compreender ¨¤ F¨ªlia e, no caso da compreens o ¨¢gape, recorremos ao contexto crist o. Al¨¦m disso, procura-se refletir sobre as caracter¨ªsticas que diferenciam as formas de amor e as vis es grega e crist . This paper aimed to discuss the love based on three conceptions: Eros, Filia and Agape. The first is introduced according to the Greek mythology and the reflections of Plato. The second, Filia, is presented based on the Aristotle's insights. Finally, the Christian context is used for the understanding Agape. Furthermore, the paper also intends to reflect on the characteristics that differentiate the forms of love and the visions of Greeks and Christians. %K amor %K mitologia %K cristianismo %K filosofia grega %K gratuidade %K love %K mythology %K christianity %K greek philosophy %K gratuity. %U http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciHumanSocSci/article/view/10173/pdf